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UCOST celebrated International Biodiversity Day

UCOST celebrated International Biodiversity Day

The Uttarakhand Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), in collaboration with the Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board, celebrated International Biodiversity Day on May 22, 2024 at Regional Science Centre, UCOST. *The main theme of this program was Be a part of the plan.*

Padyam Bhushan, Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi, an environmentalist and Green Activist was the chief guest of this program. 

The program started with a Diya lighting ceremony

Dr. DP Uniyal, Joint Director UCOST welcomed all the guests and expressed his views on biodiversity conservation. He said that the success of science-based campaigns depends on public awareness and participation. 

Member Secretary, Biodiversity Board, Shri RK Mishra gave information about the functions, goals and upcoming proposal of the Biodiversity Management Committee. He said that nature conservation is the responsibility of all of us and we should cooperate in it.

UCOST celebrated International Biodiversity Day

A short film was also screened to give information about the work done by the Biodiversity Board in various areas in the past years and the proposed biodiversity sites. 

The winners of the State Emblem Photography Competition organized by the Board and the Art Competition, Slogan Competition and Essay Writing Competition organized in various schools were also honored in the programme. 

On this occasion, Mr. Rakesh Khatri, Nest Man of India, informed everyone about his work and said that we can also help the environment by arranging nests and feeders for birds. He called this campaign the science of conservation which is helpful in nature conservation.

Prof. Durgesh Pant, Director General UCOST, said that we should move from being consumers of nature to becoming servants of nature.  He expressed his views on nature conservation and articulated a profound message about the interconnectedness of life on Earth, quoting the phrase “माता भूमि: पुत्रो अहं पृथिव्या”, Earth is our Mother and I am her Child.

Then a short film made on Shitalakhet area and the biodiversity conservation organized there was also screened and information about various programs and new initiatives like Aun Diwas etc. conducted in the area by Shri Mahatim Yadav and Gajendra Pathak was given.  

Dr. Dhananjay Mohan, Chairman of the Biodiversity Board, said that we should look at the forest area as an area of learning. He said that more areas like Anand Van should be developed which will serve as learning areas.

Chief guest of the program, Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi expressed his views on the biodiversity of the Himalayan region and its conservation.  He said that only with mutual cooperation between ecology and economy we can envisage all-round development.  He said that the Himalayan region, apart from being a hotspot of biodiversity, is also very sensitive from the point of view of natural disasters, hence the role of science-based development in this region further increases.  He said that to balance the ecosystem, we have to recognize the important role of local communities and also pay attention to their skill development and capacity building.  He said that we have to focus on data based research in the field of environmental protection. 

There was also photo exhibition organized by Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board. 

At last Dr. Manmohan Rawat, Scientific Officer, UCOST gave the vote of thanks.

Director Raja ji, Dr. Saket Badola, officials of Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board, Forest Department officials, members of Biodiversity Conservation Committee, officers and employees of UCOST and Regional Science Centre and more than two hundred students from various schools and colleges were also present in the program.

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