Be A Doonited Citizen Journalist

Comet's smoke will be visible on the very first day of the new year

Be A Writer & Be A Doonited Citizen Journalist

At Doonited, we encourage our readers and site visitors to contribute and add their views and opinion on existing state of affairs in your city or the State.

Your contribution can be an article, a blog post, comment, video, photograph about an event or an issue or topic. You can also help Doonited rate the news event through your comments or views.

Our Editors will check every contribution for spam and relevance to the news event.

A contribution on events and announcements will be posted only if is authentic and relevant to the city/state.

If you have a belief, share it with us.
If you have a complaint, share it with us.
If you have a narrative, share it with us.
If you have a proud moment, share it with us.
If you have a point of view, share it with us.
If you have some joyful news, share it with us.
If you have a photograph, share it with us.
If you have a video, share it with us.

Be A Doonited Citizen Journalist

Send Your Resume
Email at with your passport size photograph along with matter and event photograph to publish at

Become Doonited Reporter

Welcome to Doonited. Your Story and Video that belongs to you, here’s where you can post the text story, pictures and video you’ve seen of events going on around the city. If you have Smart Phone camera or a digital camera then you are well equipped to be a ‘Roaming Reporter’ of any city in Uttarakhand.

Your Smart Phone will be good enough for you to record a video or click a picture and write a few lines about it.

Once you are ready with your story you can simply send it through an e-mail to us at along with pictures and a profile picture of yours.
Send Your Resume
Email at with your passport size photograph along with matter and event photograph to publish at