मुख्यमंत्री धामी ने संस्कृत छात्र प्रतिभा सम्मान एवं छात्रवृत्ति वितरण कार्यक्रम में 261 संस्कृत विद्यार्थियों को किया...
Uttarakhand News Updates
डीएम का ब्रेनचाईल्ड ‘प्रोजेक्ट नन्दा सुनंदा’ के तहत 07 बालिकाओं को मिला रू 244731 का चैक
निर्धन, असहाय, बालिकाऐं ही हमारे वास्तविक जीवन की ‘नंदा सुनंदा’ देवीः डीएम डीएम ने सात बेटियों का सपना साकार कर, सीडीओ स...
गौरवान्वित हुआ जनपद: रुद्रप्रयाग जिला प्रशासन को स्कॉच अवार्ड
गौरवान्वित हुआ जनपद: केदारनाथ यात्रा 2024 को स्वच्छ, सुरक्षित और पर्यावरण अनुकूल बनाने के लिए रुद्रप्रयाग जिला प्रशासन क...
राष्ट्रीय खेलों के सफल आयोजन में स्वास्थ्य विभाग का अहम योगदान
राष्ट्रीय खेलों के सफल आयोजन में स्वास्थ्य विभाग का अहम योगदान, खिलाड़ियों के लिए 24 घंटे डटा रहा स्वास्थ्य विभाग, सचिव स...
केदारनाथ धाम की हेलिकॉप्टर बुकिंग के नाम पर पुणे निवासी को अनुराग उनियाल ने ठगा
केदारनाथ धाम जाने के लिए हेलिकॉप्टर बुकिंग के नाम पर सात लाख रुपये ठग लिए गए। पुलिस ने पुणे निवासी पीड़ित की शिकायत पर अ...
शानदार खेल इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का इस्तेमाल खेल प्रतिभा निखारने में हो – मुख्यमंत्री
मुख्यमंत्री ने 39वें राष्ट्रीय खेलों के लिए अभी से तैयारी शुरू करने को कहा मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने, 38वें राष्ट्...
उत्तराखंड की विकास दर बढ़ी है, जिसमें 6.61% को बढ़ोतरी हुई
प्रमुख सचिव नियोजन आर मीनाक्षी सुंदरम ने आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण की रिपोर्ट पर जानकारी दी। उन्होंने बताया कि उत्तराखंड की विकास...
गैरसैंण परिक्षेत्र के स्थाई विकास पर मुख्यमंत्री धामी की पैनी नजर
ग्रीष्मकालीन राजधानी गैरसैंण परिक्षेत्र के स्थाई विकास पर मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी की पैनी नजर। डीएम चमोली से गैरसैं...
38वें राष्ट्रीय खेल में लोगों के आकर्षण का मुख्य केन्द्र रहा शुभंकर ‘मौली’
38वें राष्ट्रीय खेल में लोगों के आकर्षण का मुख्य केन्द्र रहा शुभंकर ‘मौली’ राष्ट्रीय खेलों के समापन के बाद सीएम आवास पहु...
चुनौतियों को मात देकर खेल शक्ति बनकर उभरा उत्तराखंड
नौ स्थानों पर 18 दिनों तक चले राष्ट्रीय खेलों के सफल आयोजन के जरिए, उत्तराखंड खेल परिदृष्य में प्रमुख शक्ति बनकर उभरा है...
उत्तराखंड की देवभूमि के साथ खेलभूमि के तौर पर भी बनी पहचान- केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री शाह
38वें राष्ट्रीय खेलों का हुआ भव्य समापन केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री ने उत्तराखंड द्वारा की गई शानदार व्यवस्थाओं की जमकर सराहना क...
प्रदेश की सरकारी वेबसाइटों पर चीनी हमले
उत्तराखंड की अकादमिक और सरकारी वेबसाइटों पर चीनी हमले हो रहे हैं। महीनेभर में सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी विकास एजेंसी (आईटीडीए)...
जिला चिकित्सालय कोरोनेशन में ब्लड बैंक, निर्माण कार्य प्रारम्भ
जिला चिकित्सालय में ब्लड बैंक निर्माण डीएम की सर्वाेच्च प्राथमिकता में से एक। जनवरी माह के अंतिम सप्ताह में मा0 स्वास्थ्...
आने वाले राष्ट्रीय खेलों के लिए लंबी लकीर खींच गया उत्तराखंड
उत्तराखंड में आयोजित 38वें राष्ट्रीय खेल इस बार व्यवस्थाओं से लेकर आयोजन तक लेकर लंबी लकीर खींचने वाले साबित हुए ह...
ब्लाइंड क्रिकेट में होंगे उत्तराखंड के दो खिलाड़ी
इस महीने 20 से 25 फरवरी तक बंगलूरू में होने वाली ब्लाइंड क्रिकेट की नागेश ट्रॉफी के लिए भारतीय टीम का चयन किया जा चुका ह...
Uflex Q3 FY25 Earnings: Uflex, a Noida-headquartered integrated flexiblepackaging and solutions company, on Friday regis...
SBI Cards and Payment Services has appointed Salila Pande as the managing director (MD) & CEO of the company, accor...
Bharti Airtel on Monday said it has completed the landing of the new SEA-ME-WE 6 submarine cable system in Chennai. Th...
Zomato on Monday (February 17) launched an artificial intelligence (AI)- backed customer support platform 'Nugget'. Anno...
On Monday (February 17), NSDL reported a 30 per cent rise in its consolidated net profit to Rs 85.8 crore for three mont...
ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL) CEO Punit Goenka has said that domestic investors’ trust has grown in the compa...
In a setback for Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd and its partner BP Plc, the Delhi High Court has overturned a...
Godrej Properties acquired 12 land parcels during April-December period of this fiscal to develop housing projects worth...
Aurobindo Pharma will commence supplies to Europe from its China facility from April onwards, according to Chief Financi...
Gaming and e-sports company Nazara Technologies reported a sharp decline of 53.6 per cent in its net profit for the Octo...
The Enforcement Directorate Saturday said it has restituted assets worth more than Rs 30 crore to a bank as part of a mo...
Bank of India (BoI) on Saturday said that it has successfully raised Rs 2,690 crore through 10-year infrastructure bonds... Trending Business News
Uflex logs Q3 consolidated net profit of Rs 137 crore; revenue up 12.7%; shares jump 5%
Salila Pande appointed as SBI Card’s new MD & CEO
Airtel completes landing of SEA-ME-WE-6 submarine cable in Chennai
Zomato introduces AI-based customer support platform Nugget
NSDL Q3FY25 Earnings: Securities depository reports 30% increase in net profit to Rs 86 crore in third quarter
Exclusive: Domestic investors’ trust has grown in ZEEL, the only homegrown broadcaster in India, CEO Punit Goenka tells Anil Singhvi
Setback for Mukesh Ambani, Reliance, its partner BP lose decade-old gas migration dispute
Godrej Properties buys 12 land parcels in April-December to build Rs 23,450-crore projects
Aurobindo Pharma to commence supplies to Europe from China plant in April
Nazara Technologies’ profit declines 53.6% in Q3
Rs 30 crore assets restituted to SBI in Telangana loan ‘fraud’ case: Enforcement Directorate
Bank of India raises Rs 2,690 crore via infra bonds at 7.5% interest rate
चिरंजीवी-कमल हासन की इस हीरोइन ने 700 फिल्मों में दिखाया हुस्न का परचम – India TV Hindi
Image Source : INSTAGRAM उर्वशी चेची और कमल हासन। बॉलीवुड में सफलता की सीढ़ियां चढ़ना आसान बात नहीं है और उससे भी मुश्कि...
मनोज बाजपेयी की अय्यारी को हुए 7 साल, शेयर की सेट से BTS फोटोज
Manoj Bajpayee Aiyaary: मनोज बाजपेयी की फिल्म 'अय्यारी' को रिलीज हुए सात साल हो चुके हैं. सोशल मीडिया पर एक पोस्ट शेयर क...
महाकुंभ में विजय देवरकोंडा ने परिवार संग लगाई आस्था की डुबकी, बोले- ये है अपनी जड़ों को सम्मान देने की यात्रा
Vijay Deverakonda Maha Kumbh 2025: विजय देवरकोंडा हाल ही में अपने परिवार के साथ प्रयागराज में आयोजित महाकुंभ पहुंचे, जहा...
25 साल में कितना बदल गए कहो ना प्यार है के रोहित- सोनिया, अब दिखते हैं ऐसे
Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai:अमीषा पटेल ने सोशल मीडिया पर ऋतिक रोशन के साथ एक तस्वीर शेयर की. 'सोनिया' और 'रोहित' की तस्वीर को देख...
‘जिद्दी गर्ल्स’ को मिला आलिया भट्ट और अनिल कपूर का साथ, जोश और जज्बे की कहानी है ये सीरीज – India TV Hindi
Image Source : INSTAGRAM जिद्दी गर्ल्स प्राइम वीडियो ने आज अपनी ओरिजिनल सीरीज 'जिद्दी गर्ल्स' का रोमांचक ट्रेलर रिलीज कि...
650 करोड़ की मालकिन है राजदूत बाइक पर बैठी से मासूम बच्ची, टॉप क्लास हीरोइनों को कर चुकी फेल, क्या आप पहचान पाए इन्हें?
Guess This Actress: सोशल मीडिया पर एक छोटी सी बच्ची की फोटो तेजी से वायरल हो रही है. बाइक पर बैठी चश्मा लगाए ये बच्ची आज...
अक्षय की ये गर्लफ्रेंड थी सबसे ग्लैमरस हीरोइन, आइटम सॉन्ग ने किया बर्बाद – India TV Hindi
Image Source : INSTAGRAM शीबा अग्रवाल और अक्षय कुमार। एक दौर ऐसा था जब अक्षय कुमार को बॉलीवुड का कैसानोवा कहा जाता था। उ...
खुशी और इब्राहिम की फिल्म ‘नादानियां’ का नया गाना रिलीज, प्यार और दर्द का बिखेरा रंग – India TV Hindi
Image Source : X खुशी कपूर और इब्राहिम अली खान की फिल्म 'नादानियां' का नया गाना हुआ रिलीज, प्यार और दर्द का बिखेरा रंग ख...
Pyaar ka Professor Review: इस कामेडी लव स्टोरी में मॉडर्न लव ड्रामा का है तड़का
वेब सीरीज: प्यार का प्रोफेसर कलाकार: प्रणव सचदेवा, संदीपा धर, महेश बलराज, आलिशा चोपड़ा, बाबला कोचर, गुरनवदीप सिंह, हनीफ...
Technology News
Q-Commerce Revolution: 10-minute delivery of TV, fridges, and more
The world of Q-Commerce is evolving rapidly! It’s no longer limited to just groceries—electronics, smartphones, and even...
Google, Telangana ink pact to accelerate AI-led transformation across sectors
Google on Thursday announced a strategic collaboration with the Telangana government to harness the transformative poten...
Samsung launches Galaxy F06 5G in India: Price, features, camera, and more – here’s everything you need to know
Samsung Galaxy F06 5G Launched: Samsung launched its most affordable 5G smartphone, the Galaxy F06 5G, in India on Wedne...
Google CEO Sundar Pichai ‘delighted’ to meet PM Modi, discusses “incredible” opportunities AI will bring to India
Google CEO Sundar Pichai has highlighted the "incredible opportunities" that artificial intelligence (AI) will bring to...
65% of Indians used AI, more than double the global average: Microsoft study
Reflecting the swift adoption of artificial intelligence in India, a Microsoft study has found that 65 per cent of India...
Meta to expand Instagram Teen Accounts in India
Reinforcing its commitment to the online safety of young users, Meta on Tuesday announced the expansion of Instagram Tee...
OpenAI CEO discusses AI roadmap with Indian startup leaders
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on Wednesday met leading Indian startup founders and investors in a closed-door session here, and...
FinMin directs officers not to use ChatGPT, DeepSeek, other AI models flagging data risk concerns
The finance ministry has directed its officers not to download or use AI tools and apps such as ChatGPT and DeepSeek in...
India joins AI race: Union IT Minister reveals collaborative strategy with OpenAI
OpenAI Co-founder and CEO Sam Altman is in the national capital and hosted an event with Union IT Minister Ashwini Vaish...
Digi Yatra platform reaches 1 crore users
Digi Yatra has achieved a milestone of 1 crore users with a daily average of 30,000 app downloads, setting benchmarks in...
Integration of AI, Gen AI with financial sector to foster innovation: SBI Chief
The increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence and Gen AI with the financial sector has the potential to foster i...
Indian data centre market expected to grow to USD 11.6 billion by 2032: Economic Survey
India's data centre market is projected to expand from USD 4.5 billion in 2023 to USD 11.6 billion by 2032, according to...
National News
Who Is Gyanesh Kumar? New Chief Election Commissioner Set To Replace Rajiv Kumar
Gyanesh Kumar has been appointed as the new chief election commissioner of India on Monday evening, according to the Law...
Gyanesh Kumar Appointed As Chief Election Commissioner: Law Ministry
Election Commissioner Gyanesh Kumar has been appointed as the next Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) by a selection pane...
Xiaomi 15 Series To Launch Globally On THIS Date, Xiaomi 15 Ultra Likely To Debut In China Befo
Xiaomi has confirmed that the Xiaomi 15 series will soon reach global markets, with its international unveiling set for...
‘Leave Aside Ego’: Congress Demands Centre Postpone Chief Election Commissioner Appointment
The Congress on Monday called on the Centre to postpone the selection of the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), citing a...
20 CMs, 50 Celebrities, Business Tycoons: Who All Are Invited To Delhi CM Swearing-In Ceremony?
After a massive victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on February 8, the stage is set for the swearing-in of the...
After Fraud, Abetment To Suicide Case In UP, Nikhil Nanda’s Team Says ‘Legal Team Gathering Det
A case has been registered against Nikhil Nanda, along with several officials of a tractor company, on charges of fraud...
How Is Chief Election Commissioner Appointed? Explained
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Amit Shah and Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi will meet on Monday to appoint...
‘Dispatched Two Officers To Counsel Students’: KP Oli After Nepalese Student’s Suicide
Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli took note of the death of an engineering student from the country who allegedly died...
Delhi: Top Official Says Yamuna To Be ‘Cleaned In 3 Years’ As Clean-Up Begins, AAP Reacts
Days after the BJP won a landslide victory in Delhi, the cleaning work for the Yamuna has started. Raj Niwas officials s...
FIR Against Pakistani National In Assam Over Links To Gaurav Gogoi’s Wife, Congress MP Calls It
The Assam Police on Monday filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Pakistani national Ali Tauqueer Sheikh and uni...
Samay Raina’s Old Video Mocking Infant’s Medical Condition Go Viral
Ranbir Allahabadi and Samay Raina have found themselves at the center of a major controversy following the former's rema...
From Merz To Weidel: Know Top Candidates Who Will Shape Germany’s Political Future
Germany will conduct snap elections on February 23, as Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition government collapsed. The key...
India’s Got Latent Row: Samay Raina, Apoorva Mukhija to Appear Before NCW
The controversy surrounding inappropriate comments made on the show India's Got Latent has now escalated to the National...
Stop Assuming China Is Enemy From Day One: Rahul Gandhi’s Aide Sam Pitroda
Congress veteran Sam Pitroda has said the threat from China is often blown out of proportion. The leader who is a close...
World News
Emergency teams responding after plane crash in Toronto
A plane has crashed at Toronto Pearson International Airport and injured eight people – with local media reporting it fl...
Craig and Lindsay Foreman were warned to not travel to ‘unsafe’ Balochistan
A Pakistani carpenter has told Sky News he warned a British couple who have been detained in Iran not to travel to dange...
Israel says it will receive bodies of four hostages held by Hamas in Gaza
Israel says it is preparing to receive the bodies of four hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.Israeli security officials also...
Ukraine war: Who is attending Russia and US peace talks?
Top US and Russian officials are set to meet in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday with the aim of restoring ties and setting up ne...
Rwanda-backed M23 rebels seize second major city in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Rwandan-backed rebels have occupied a second major city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).The Congo River Al...
China says US ‘gravely backpedalled’ over change to language around Taiwan
China says the US has "gravely backpedalled" on its position on Taiwan after a government fact sheet was changed to remo...
More than 1,000 rescued from cyber scam centres near Thailand
More than 1,000 people rescued from cyber scam centres near Thailand will be handed over by Myanmar, its military govern...
Concerns grow for the Pope’s health as doctors tackle ‘complex clinical picture’
Pope Francis' respiratory tract infection is presenting a "complex clinical picture" and he will need to remain in hospi...
North Korea leader Kim Jong Un triggers huge explosion in capital for construction project
North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has detonated explosives creating a massive blast during a groundbreaking ceremony at a...
Man who raped and murdered Irish backpacker in India jailed for life
A man who raped and murdered an Irish backpacker in Goa eight years ago has been jailed for life.Danielle McLaughlin's b...
Netanyahu signals moving ahead with Trump’s Gaza plan as Israel receives unblocked US shipment of heavy bombs
Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested moving ahead with Donald Trump's plan to clear out Palestinians from Gaza, as Israel re...
Popular South Korean actress found dead in her home
South Korean actress Kim Sae-ron has been found dead at her home in Seoul, according to the Yonhap news agency. A friend...
Sports News
WPL 2025, Match 4: Delhi Capitals Women vs Royal Challengers Bengaluru Women Reactions and Quotes
Royal Challengers Bengaluru Women came out on top by eight wickets with 22 deliveries to spare against Delhi Capitals W...
Twitter Reactions: Bowlers, Smriti Mandhana power Royal Challengers Bengaluru Women to emphatic victory
Royal Challengers Bengaluru Women emerged as emphatic victors in Match 4 of the Women's Premier League 2025 against Delh...
Ranji Trophy 2024-25: Semifinals 1 & 2, Day 1 Review
Sachin Baby and Dhruv Shorey/Danish Malewar (Source: JioHotstar/X) Gujarat vs Kerala, Semi-final 1, Ahmedabad Opting to...
Kane Williamson signs two-year contract with Middlesex, to turn up for London Spirit in The Hundred
Former New Zealand captain Kane Williamson has signed a two-year contract with Middlesex, set to commence in the 2025 En...
Matthew Kuhnemann’s suspect action to be tested soon despite right thumb injury
The Australian team is being surrounded by drama whether it is the red-ball or the white-ball format. The Test series ag...
WATCH: Kane Williamson dons dhoti in Karachi ahead of Champions Trophy opener
The Champions Trophy is about to begin and there will be some iconic players who will feature in this edition of the tou...
WPL 2025: Match 4, DC-W vs RCB-W Match prediction – Who will win today’s WPL match between DC-W vs RCB-W?
The thrilling Women's Premier League (WPL 2025) has offered some nailbiters over the past few days for the fans. As the...
ZIM vs IRE Match Prediction – Who will win today’s 3rd ODI match between Zimbabwe and Ireland?
The third ODI between Zimbabwe (ZIM) and Ireland (IRE) will be played on Tuesday, February 18 and this will be the decid...
‘Shami is the leader of the pack right now’ – Lakshmipathy Balaji on importance of veteran pacer for India’s chances in CT 2025
The Indian team is set to start their Champions Trophy 2025 campaign against Bangladesh on February 20. There are alread...
Champions Trophy 2025: The real story behind Dhoni’s iconic photo with Sarfaraz Ahmed’s son
The coveted Champions Trophy 2025 is knocking on the door and fans are eager to watch some sumptuous rivalries between t...
The world of Q-Commerce is evolving rapidly! It’s no longer limited to just groceries—electronics, smartphones, and even...
Google on Thursday announced a strategic collaboration with the Telangana government to harness the transformative poten...
Samsung Galaxy F06 5G Launched: Samsung launched its most affordable 5G smartphone, the Galaxy F06 5G, in India on Wedne...
Google CEO Sundar Pichai has highlighted the "incredible opportunities" that artificial intelligence (AI) will bring to...
Reflecting the swift adoption of artificial intelligence in India, a Microsoft study has found that 65 per cent of India...
Reinforcing its commitment to the online safety of young users, Meta on Tuesday announced the expansion of Instagram Tee... Know about online
Q-Commerce Revolution: 10-minute delivery of TV, fridges, and more
Google, Telangana ink pact to accelerate AI-led transformation across sectors
Samsung launches Galaxy F06 5G in India: Price, features, camera, and more – here’s everything you need to know
Google CEO Sundar Pichai ‘delighted’ to meet PM Modi, discusses “incredible” opportunities AI will bring to India
65% of Indians used AI, more than double the global average: Microsoft study
Meta to expand Instagram Teen Accounts in India