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Do men have breast cancer

Do men have breast cancer

Yes, men can develop bone cancer, although it’s less common than in women. bone cancer in men accounts for lower than 1 of all bone cancer cases, but it can still do.

The most common type of bone cancer in men is invasive ductal melanoma, which starts in the milk tubes and spreads to other apkins. threat factors for manly bone cancer include aged age, family history of bone cancer, certain inheritable mutations, and exposure to estrogen or radiation.

Symptoms of manly bone cancer can include a lump or swelling in the bone towel, nipple discharge, and changes in the skin of the bone or nipple. Like with women, early discovery is important in treating bone cancer in men, so it’s important to seek medical attention if any of these symptoms do.

Men who are at advanced threat for bone cancer may profit from regular bone examinations and mammograms, although mammography is less sensitive in detecting bone cancer in men due to the lower quantum of bone towel. Other imaging tests, similar as ultrasound or MRI, may be used rather.

Treatment for manly bone cancer may include surgery to remove the cancerous towel, radiation remedy, chemotherapy, and hormone remedy. The type of treatment depends on the stage of the cancer, the size of the excrescence, and other factors, and should be bandied with a medical professional.

Men can develop bone cancer for a variety of reasons, although the exact cause isn’t always clear. Like with women, bone cancer in men can develop when cells in the bone begin to grow abnormally and form a excrescence.

  • Some threat factors for manly bone cancer include
  • Age The threat of bone cancer increases as men get aged.
  • Family history Men with a family history of bone cancer are at advanced threat of developing the complaint.
  • Hormonal imbalances Men who have advanced situations of estrogen or lower situations of testosterone may be at advanced threat of bone cancer.

Certain inheritable mutations Inherited mutations in genes similar as BRCA1 and BRCA2 can increase the threat of bone cancer in both men and women.

Radiation exposure Men who have had radiation remedy to the casket area may be at advanced threat of developing bone cancer.

It’s important to note that utmost men who have these threat factors don’t develop bone cancer, and some men who develop bone cancer have no known threatfactors. However, you should talk to your croaker , If you’re a man than have enterprises about your threat for bone cancer.

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